Contact Us
The best way to contact the CompuCell3D team is via the CC3D Reddit. This is the best way to ask questions, sugggest improvments to CompuCell3D or learn from other user's questions.
- Dr. James Glazier (IU) (jaglazier [at] gmail (dot) com)
Lead Developers
- Dr. T.J. Sego (University of Florida)
- Dr. Maciej Swat (IU)
Senior Researchers
- Dr. James Sluka (IU) (jsluka [at] iu (dot) edu)
Some CC3D Alumni
- Alin Cosmanescu (IU)
- Randy Heiland (IU)
- Mitja Hmeljak (IU)
- Anwar Shaikh (IU)
- Benjamin Zaitlen (IU)