
"Developing Multi–Scale, Multi–Cell Biological Simulations with CompuCell3D and SBW"

Joint Training Workshop, July 30th – August 3rd 2012, at the Hamner Institute for Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina

Workshop Resources

SBW Materials: Materials

CompuCell3D Materials: Materials

List of Attendees and Instructors: CC3D 2012 participants.xls

Agenda: Agenda_as_of_31_July.docx


Dr. Jeff Woodhead

Our 6th User Training workshop

We are pleased to announce our annual week-long workshop, teaching multiscale and multicell tissue modeling using the open–source CompuCell3D and Systems Biology Workbench programs. This year the workshop will be hosted at the Hamner Institute in the Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, between July 30th and August 3rd 2012. Please help us spread the word by posting the attached poster and letting any of your colleagues who are interested in building tissue models of development, homeostasis, toxicity or developmental diseases like cancer.


By the end of the one week course, participants will have implemented a basic simulation of the particular biological problem they work on. Post-course support and collaboration will be available to continue simulation development.


Introduction to Reaction-Kinetics (RK) models. Introduction to SBW, Simulation, Network design tools and SBML. Introduction to GGH modeling. Applications of GGH modeling. Introduction to CompuCell3D. Python scripting. Basics of model building. Extending CompuCell3D. Building a basic simulation of your system.

Workshop Poster: CC3DWorkshopPoster_2012.pdf

Update 31 July 2012: The title for the Hamner seminar on Friday at 1:30 is:

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