
2023 Twitter Banner
(click the above to download the class brochure.)

CompuCell3D 18th User Training Workshop July 31st - August 13th, 2023

We are pleased to announce the 18th Annual Multicell Virtual-Tissue Modeling Online Summer School and Hackathon -- 2023, which will take place between Monday July 31st and Sunday August 13th, 2023. We would very much appreciate your help in letting your colleagues and students know about this opportunity. A flyer announcing the workshop is attached.

This year’s workshop will take place over the course of two weeks. The first week will focus on the basics of building virtual tissue models modeling using CompuCell3D. The second week will focus on advanced modeling topics, as well as advanced features and capabilities of the CompuCell3D software. A two-day model-building Hackathon in which attendees work in teams to build a functioning model of their problem of interest will be hosted at the end of the advanced course. Attendees are welcome to attend only the first week, only the second week, or both weeks of the course. Attendance in the first week is not required to attend the advanced portion of the course. Attendance of at least one week of the workshop is required for participation in the Hackathon.

Summer school attendance guarantees admission to the Model-Building Hackathon. The Hackathon will group attendees by topic of interest. Experienced modelers will be embedded within each group. Workshop instructors will be available to assist Hackathon participants throughout the two-day session. Everyone will leave with a functioning core model that they can further customize.

Class announcement for the CompuCell3D 18th User Training Workshop (Online)

July 31st - August 13th, 2023

Please make sure that the email address is on your whitelist so it doesn't get marked as spam!

Pre-workshop Events:

Orientation meetings for the 2023 CC3D Workshop will be held in advance of the workshop (dates TBD). If you are unable to attend one of these sessions, you can view the recordings on YouTube and download the slides at your convenience. The orientation will include a number of important links, a step-by-step tutorial on using CompuCell3D on nanoHub, as well as a preliminary course schedule.

At least one hackathon discussion and teaming meeting will be held in advance of the workshop (dates TBD). If you are planning to attend the hackathon, these meetings will be a good way to start thinking of a topic and find potential teammates with similar interests.

We recommend joining the Workshop's Slack group to discuss the course and hackathon ideas (link coming soon).

Page Index

Registration and Contacts:

To register please fill out the registration form.

If you have any questions please contact <compucell3d DOT iu AT gmail DOT com> | twitter: @CompuCell3D

Related workshops to consider:
Network Modeling Virtual Summer School & Symposium (link coming soon)
PhysiCell Workshop and Hackathon (link coming soon)

Intro to Python:

July 31st, 2023. 10:00 AM - 6:30 PM US Eastern time.

We will have a one day Python training class on Monday July 31st. This class is optional and meant as an introduction and refresher course for programming in Python. if you are comfortable using Python this can be skipped.
The meeting is via Zoom (link TBD).

Tissue Modeling with CompuCell3D:

August 1st - 4th, 2023. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM US Eastern time.
The class is via Zoom (link TBD).

Advanced Topics Course:

August 7th - 11th, 2023. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM US Eastern time.
The class is via Zoom (link TBD).

Model-Building Hackathon:

August 12th - 13th, 2023. 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM US Eastern time.
The class is via Zoom here.

Class Announcement, fliers, etc.:

(click to download)
2023 Flier

Supported by:

CompuCell3D: Workshop23 (last edited 2024-06-23 18:01:07 by JamesSluka)