## page was renamed from Talks
= Selected talks on CompuCell3D or CompuCell3D models =
== Prof. Glazier's nanoBIO webinar "Cancer Games: Interactive Simulation of the Effect of Resource Limitation on Cancer Somatic Evolution using nanoHUB CompuCell3D" ==
The video is [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZGBm97fGulE|here]] and the slide deck is available [[https://nanohub.org/groups/nanobioseminar/File:nanoHUB_Cancer_Demo_January_2021v2.pptx|here]]. This demo can be run on your local machine or on [[https://nanohub.org/|nanoHUB]] in a Jupyter Notebook, see the slide deck for details.
{{attachment:cancer_games_JAG_YouTube.png|Cancer Games Webinar|width=300}}
'''''For more info on the excellent nanoBIO online workshops visit [[https://nanohub.org/groups/nanobioseminar/overview|this web page]].'''''
== TJ Sego's IMAG/MSM Viral Pandemics Short talk ==
Multiscale Multicellular Spatiotemporal Modeling of Viral Infection and Immune Response
A Modular, Extensible Agent-Based Framework
[[attachment:TJ Sego IMAG Presentation 111220.pdf|PDF here|&do=get]].
== Multiscale Multicellular modeling of tissue function and Covid-19 modeling webinar ==
Dr. Glazier's webinar describing the theory and use of Compucell3D and its application to modeling Covid-19 is available on [[https://umass-amherst.zoom.us/rec/share/yuZeLLXd5zhLfLfsq2rzYvEHRYW_T6a8gycfrKBYzx0Klt66Ezfkuwl8NYY2fp65?startTime=1598280377000|here|target=_blank]]. The webinar is part of the University of Massachusetts Amherst Mathematical and Computational Biology Seminar Series.
== We have prepared a YouTube video describing our initial Covid-19 model ==
This model is described in our
COVID-19 Modeling in CompuCell3D<
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-oAsfmhqvU&feature=youtu.be|{{attachment:FrontPage/COVID_YouTube.png|Covid-19 multicell model on YouTube|width=200}}|target="_blank"]]
== We have prepared a more detailed video describing our initial Covid-19 model ==
We have also given a more detailed video presentation hosted by the <
>[[https://mathtube.org/lecture/video/multiscale-multicellular-modeling-tissue-function-and-disease-using-compucell3d|Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences on the use of CC3D in Covid-19 modeling]]. <
Click on this image to view the video.<
== COMBINE 2015- University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah ==
* [[http://co.mbine.org/events/COMBINE_2015/agenda?q=system/files/combine2015poster-Sluka_multiscale_model.pdf|Divide and Conquer: Using SBML to represent both the whole body and subcellular scales in a liver-centric multiscale model]]
== 2015 Multiscale Modeling Consortium Meeting, Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group- Bethesda, MD ==
* '''[[https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/sites/default/files/Sluka%20IMAG-MSM%20poster%202015.pdf|Tightly Coupled In Vivo Studies to Inform an In Silico Model of Acetaminophen Toxicity in Mice]]'''
* '''[[https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/sites/default/files/Sluka%20Multiscale%20Models%20in%20CompuCell3D.pptx|Multiscale Models in CompuCell3D]]'''
== 2014 Multiscale Modeling Consortium Meeting, Interagency Modeling and Analysis Group- Bethesda, MD ==
* [[https://www.imagwiki.nibib.nih.gov/sites/default/files/Sluka_IMAG_MSM_poster_2014.pdf|Parameter Sensitivities in a Multiscale model of Acetaminophen Metabolism: from Whole-body to Subcellular Reaction Kinetics]]
== Condensed Presentations from the conference Toward the 3D Virtual Cell- 2012, University of Washington, Seattle, WA ==
* James Glazier - '''[[http://pic.twitter.com/vtn2K8AP|From Molecules to Tissues: Multiscale Modeling from a Multicellular Viewpoint]]''' (''poster from talk'' by [[http://twitter.com/sophiasliang|Sophia Liang]])
* Maciej Swat - '''[[http://pic.twitter.com/PAvyUBgt|Towards Virtual Tissues – Multi-cell Modeling using CompuCell3D]]''' (''poster from talk'' by [[http://twitter.com/sophiasliang|Sophia Liang]])
* Jim Sluka - '''[[http://pic.twitter.com/eww2Y6KL|Optimizing Model Specification in Cross-cell Computational Biology]]''' (''poster from talk'' by [[http://twitter.com/wynwilson|Wyn Wilson]])
* Thomas Knudsen - '''[[http://pic.twitter.com/5GBrKsar|Virtual Embryo: Computational Embryology And Predictive Toxicology]]''' (''poster from talk'' by [[http://twitter.com/sophiasliang|Sophia Liang]])
* Herbert Sauro - '''[[http://pic.twitter.com/l0FZIrDg|Building Sustainable and Vibrant Communities]]''' (''poster from talk'' by [[http://twitter.com/wynwilson|Wyn Wilson]])