// qcoreapplication.sip generated by MetaSIP on Wed Aug 21 06:54:02 2013 // // This file is part of the QtCore Python extension module. // // Copyright (c) 2013 Riverbank Computing Limited // // This file is part of PyQt. // // This file may be used under the terms of the GNU General Public // License versions 2.0 or 3.0 as published by the Free Software // Foundation and appearing in the files LICENSE.GPL2 and LICENSE.GPL3 // included in the packaging of this file. Alternatively you may (at // your option) use any later version of the GNU General Public // License if such license has been publicly approved by Riverbank // Computing Limited (or its successors, if any) and the KDE Free Qt // Foundation. In addition, as a special exception, Riverbank gives you // certain additional rights. These rights are described in the Riverbank // GPL Exception version 1.1, which can be found in the file // GPL_EXCEPTION.txt in this package. // // If you are unsure which license is appropriate for your use, please // contact the sales department at sales@riverbankcomputing.com. // // This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE // WARRANTY OF DESIGN, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. %ModuleCode #include %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) %If (WS_WIN) // Windows specific definitions. // These would normally be in qwindowdefs.h but are needed by // qcoreapplication.h. typedef struct HWND__ *HWND; typedef unsigned UINT; typedef long LONG; typedef unsigned long DWORD; typedef UINT WPARAM; typedef LONG LPARAM; struct POINT { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End LONG x; LONG y; }; struct MSG { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End HWND hwnd; UINT message; WPARAM wParam; LPARAM lParam; DWORD time; POINT pt; }; %End %End class QCoreApplication : QObject { %TypeHeaderCode #include %End public: QCoreApplication(SIP_PYLIST argv /DocType="list-of-str"/) /PostHook=__pyQtQAppHook__/ [(int &argc, char **argv)]; %MethodCode // The Python interface is a list of argument strings that is modified. int argc; char **argv; // Convert the list. if ((argv = qpycore_ArgvToC(a0, argc)) == NULL) sipIsErr = 1; else { // Create it now the arguments are right. static int nargc; nargc = argc; Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS sipCpp = new sipQCoreApplication(nargc, argv); Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS // Now modify the original list. qpycore_UpdatePyArgv(a0, argc, argv); } %End virtual ~QCoreApplication(); %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static int argc(); %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static SIP_PYLIST argv() /DocType="list-of-str"/; %MethodCode // The Python interface returns a list of strings. int argc = QCoreApplication::argc(); if ((sipRes = PyList_New(argc)) == NULL) { sipIsErr = 1; } else { char **argv = QCoreApplication::argv(); for (int a = 0; a < argc; ++a) { #if PY_MAJOR_VERSION >= 3 PyObject *arg_obj = PyUnicode_FromString(argv[a]); #else PyObject *arg_obj = PyString_FromString(argv[a]); #endif if (!arg_obj) { Py_DECREF(sipRes); sipIsErr = 1; break; } PyList_SET_ITEM(sipRes, a, arg_obj); } } %End %End static void setOrganizationDomain(const QString &orgDomain); static QString organizationDomain(); static void setOrganizationName(const QString &orgName); static QString organizationName(); static void setApplicationName(const QString &application); static QString applicationName(); static QStringList arguments(); static QCoreApplication *instance(); static int exec() /PostHook=__pyQtPostEventLoopHook__,PreHook=__pyQtPreEventLoopHook__,PyName=exec_,ReleaseGIL/; %If (Py_v3) static int exec() /PostHook=__pyQtPostEventLoopHook__,PreHook=__pyQtPreEventLoopHook__,ReleaseGIL/; %End static void processEvents(QFlags flags = QEventLoop::AllEvents) /ReleaseGIL/; static void processEvents(QFlags flags, int maxtime) /ReleaseGIL/; static void exit(int returnCode = 0); static bool sendEvent(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event) /ReleaseGIL/; %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static void postEvent(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event /Transfer/, int priority = Qt::NormalEventPriority); %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static void postEvent(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event /Transfer/); %End %If (Qt_4_3_0 - Qt_5_0_0) static void postEvent(QObject *receiver, QEvent *event /Transfer/, int priority); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static void sendPostedEvents(QObject *receiver = 0, int eventType = 0) /ReleaseGIL/; %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static void sendPostedEvents(QObject *receiver, int event_type) /ReleaseGIL/; %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static void sendPostedEvents() /ReleaseGIL/; %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static void removePostedEvents(QObject *receiver, int eventType = 0); %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static void removePostedEvents(QObject *receiver); %End %If (Qt_4_3_0 - Qt_5_0_0) static void removePostedEvents(QObject *receiver, int eventType); %End static bool hasPendingEvents(); virtual bool notify(QObject *, QEvent *) /ReleaseGIL/; static bool startingUp(); static bool closingDown(); static QString applicationDirPath(); static QString applicationFilePath(); static void setLibraryPaths(const QStringList &); static QStringList libraryPaths(); static void addLibraryPath(const QString &); static void removeLibraryPath(const QString &); %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static bool installTranslator(QTranslator *messageFile); %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static void installTranslator(QTranslator *); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static bool removeTranslator(QTranslator *messageFile); %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) static void removeTranslator(QTranslator *); %End %If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0) enum Encoding { %If (Qt_4_2_0 -) CodecForTr, %End UnicodeUTF8, DefaultCodec, %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) Latin1, %End }; %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static QString translate(const char *context, const char *sourceText /Encoding="UTF-8"/, const char *disambiguation = 0, int n = -1); %End %If (Qt_4_2_0 -) %If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0) static QString translate(const char *context, SIP_PYOBJECT sourceText /DocType="str"/, const char *disambiguation = 0, QCoreApplication::Encoding encoding = QCoreApplication::CodecForTr); %MethodCode const char *source = qpycore_encode(&a1, a3); if (source) { sipRes = new QString(QCoreApplication::translate(a0, source, a2, a3)); Py_DECREF(a1); } else { sipIsErr = 1; } %End %End %End %If (Qt_4_2_0 -) %If (PyQt_Deprecated_5_0) static QString translate(const char *context, SIP_PYOBJECT sourceText /DocType="str"/, const char *disambiguation, QCoreApplication::Encoding encoding, int n); %MethodCode const char *source = qpycore_encode(&a1, a3); if (source) { sipRes = new QString(QCoreApplication::translate(a0, source, a2, a3, a4)); Py_DECREF(a1); } else { sipIsErr = 1; } %End %End %End %If (- Qt_4_2_0) static QString translate(const char *context, SIP_PYOBJECT sourceText /DocType="str"/, const char *disambiguation = 0, QCoreApplication::Encoding encoding = QCoreApplication::DefaultCodec); %MethodCode const char *source = qpycore_encode(&a1, a3); if (source) { sipRes = new QString(QCoreApplication::translate(a0, source, a2, a3)); Py_DECREF(a1); } else { sipIsErr = 1; } %End %End static void flush() /ReleaseGIL/; %If (Qt_4_2_0 -) static void setAttribute(Qt::ApplicationAttribute attribute, bool on = true); %End %If (Qt_4_2_0 -) static bool testAttribute(Qt::ApplicationAttribute attribute); %End %If (- Qt_5_0_0) %If (WS_WIN) virtual bool winEventFilter(MSG *message, long *result); %End %End public slots: static void quit(); signals: void aboutToQuit(); protected: virtual bool event(QEvent *); public: %If (Qt_4_4_0 -) static void setApplicationVersion(const QString &version); %End %If (Qt_4_4_0 -) static QString applicationVersion(); %End %If (Qt_4_4_0 -) static qint64 applicationPid(); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static QAbstractEventDispatcher *eventDispatcher(); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static void setEventDispatcher(QAbstractEventDispatcher *eventDispatcher /Transfer/); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static bool isQuitLockEnabled(); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) static void setQuitLockEnabled(bool enabled); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) void installNativeEventFilter(QAbstractNativeEventFilter *filterObj); %End %If (Qt_5_0_0 -) void removeNativeEventFilter(QAbstractNativeEventFilter *filterObj); %End private: %If (Qt_4_6_0 -) QCoreApplication(const QCoreApplication &); %End }; void qAddPostRoutine(SIP_PYCALLABLE); %MethodCode // Add it to the list of post routines if it already exists. if (qtcore_PostRoutines != NULL) { // See if there is an empty slot. bool app = true; for (SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE(qtcore_PostRoutines); ++i) if (PyList_GET_ITEM(qtcore_PostRoutines, i) == Py_None) { Py_DECREF(Py_None); Py_INCREF(a0); PyList_SET_ITEM(qtcore_PostRoutines, i, a0); app = false; break; } if (app && PyList_Append(qtcore_PostRoutines, a0) < 0) sipIsErr = 1; } else if ((qtcore_PostRoutines = PyList_New(1)) != NULL) { Py_INCREF(a0); PyList_SET_ITEM(qtcore_PostRoutines, 0, a0); qAddPostRoutine(qtcore_CallPostRoutines); } else sipIsErr = 1; %End void qRemovePostRoutine(SIP_PYCALLABLE); %MethodCode // Remove it from the list of post routines if it exists. if (qtcore_PostRoutines != NULL) for (SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE(qtcore_PostRoutines); ++i) if (PyList_GET_ITEM(qtcore_PostRoutines, i) == a0) { Py_DECREF(a0); Py_INCREF(Py_None); PyList_SET_ITEM(qtcore_PostRoutines, i, Py_None); break; } %End // Module code needed by qAddPostRoutine() and qRemovePostRoutine(). %ModuleCode // The list of Python post routines. static PyObject *qtcore_PostRoutines = NULL; // Call all of the registered Python post routines. static void qtcore_CallPostRoutines() { for (SIP_SSIZE_T i = 0; i < PyList_GET_SIZE(qtcore_PostRoutines); ++i) { PyObject *pr = PyList_GET_ITEM(qtcore_PostRoutines, i); if (pr != Py_None) { PyObject *res = PyObject_CallObject(pr, NULL); Py_XDECREF(res); } } } %End void pyqtRemoveInputHook(); %MethodCode // Clear the Python input hook installed when the module was initialised. PyOS_InputHook = 0; %End void pyqtRestoreInputHook(); %MethodCode // Restore the input hook. PyOS_InputHook = qtcore_input_hook; %End %ModuleCode #include #include #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) #include #include #else #include #endif // This is the input hook that will process events while the interpreter is // waiting for interactive input. extern "C" {static int qtcore_input_hook();} static int qtcore_input_hook() { QCoreApplication *app = QCoreApplication::instance(); if (app && app->thread() == QThread::currentThread()) { #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) QTimer timer; QObject::connect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), app, SLOT(quit())); do { timer.start(100); QCoreApplication::exec(); timer.stop(); } while (!_kbhit()); QObject::disconnect(&timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), app, SLOT(quit())); #else QSocketNotifier notifier(0, QSocketNotifier::Read, 0); QObject::connect(¬ifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), app, SLOT(quit())); QCoreApplication::exec(); QObject::disconnect(¬ifier, SIGNAL(activated(int)), app, SLOT(quit())); #endif } return 0; } %End %PostInitialisationCode // Process events from the input hook. PyOS_InputHook = qtcore_input_hook; %End