l i b S B M L building from source using MSVC For more information about SBML or libSBML, contact: The SBML Team http://www.sbml.org/ mailto:sbml-team@caltech.edu Please join the libsbml-discuss mailing list by visiting http://www.sbml.org/forums/index.php?t=pre_reg ------------------- Include directories ------------------- To build libsbml from source the directory ..\libsbml\include needs to be to be created and added to the include directories searched by the Microsoft Development environment. To create the directory ..\libsbml\include either run createInclude.bat from the ..\libsbml\win32 directory or build libSBML from MSVC which includes a prebuild step that creates the directory ----- MSVC7 ----- This directory contains solution files: libsbml libsbml_expat libsbml_xml which load all the relevant libsbml projects and some example projects. Project files: libsbml - which builds libsbml with xerces libsbml_expat - which builds libsbml with expat libsbml_xml - which builds libsbml with libxml2 It also includes project files: addCVTerms addModelHistory convertSBML echoSBML printMath printSBML printUnits readSBML translateMath validateSBML which use the code given in the ..\libsbml\examples\c++ directory ------------------------------------------- File author: S. Keating Last Modified: $Date: 2009-01-04 11:26:05 +0900 (日, 04 1月 2009) $ Last Modified By: $Author: mhucka $ $HeadURL: https://sbml.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sbml/trunk/libsbml/win32/README.txt $ ------------------------------------------- # The following is for [X]Emacs users. Please leave in place. # Local Variables: # fill-column: 70 # End: