LibSBML -- Perl5 interface to the SBML API library (libSBML) AUTHORS: -------- Christoph Flamm Rainer Machne DESCRIPTION: ------------ This module provides a Perl5 bindings for the SBML Library. It gives access to almost all functions in libSBML. For more information about SBML or libSBML, please visit or contact the SBML Team ( The Perl5 wrapper is generated by processing the interface-file LibSBML.i with SWIG v1.3.31 or higher ( COPYRIGHT: ---------- LGPL (the same as libSBML) REQUIREMENTS: ------------- build, test, and install Perl 5 build, test, and install Xerces-C++ XML Library build, test, (and install) libSBML INSTALLATION: ------------ Just follow the usual procedure: perl Makefile.PL (this creates Makefile-perl) make -f Makefile-perl make -f Makefile-perl test make -f Makefile-perl install If you don't have permission to install a module into the perl-directory-tree, you can alternatively install this module into your home directory. First create an installation directory, e.g. WHATSOEVER/Perl/L . To install this module into WHATSOEVER/Perl/L do the following: perl Makefile.PL LIB=WHATSOEVER/Perl/L make -f Makefile-perl make -f Makefile-perl test make -f Makefile-perl install You can use the perl command-line switch -I to prepend the locally installed module to the search path for modules (perldoc perlrun). If you want to re-swig the perl-bindings please do the following: make -f Makefile-perl clean rm LibSBML_wrap.cxx perl Makefile.PL make -f Makefile-perl make -f Makefile-perl test make -f Makefile-perl install EXAMPLES: --------- You can find useful examples in the test sub-directory (t/) or in the examples/perl sub-directory of the libSBML distribution. TODO: ----- Extend the POD documentation for the LibSBML module. Write more test cases. BUGS: ----- Please report bugs in libSBML to the SBML Team. Please report bugs in the Perl module to the authors.