MATLAB application programming interface for libSBML Sarah Keating Science and Technology Research Centre University of Hertfordshire Hatfield, AL10 9AB United Kingdom The SBML Team Date of last update to this file: $Date: 2009-01-04 11:26:05 +0900 (日, 04 1月 2009) $ --------------- 1. Quick Start --------------- The libSBML MATLAB binding provides a MATLAB function called TranslateSBML. This function can be used to import an SBML model into the MATLAB environment as a MATLAB data structure. The Windows distribution of libSBML includes a precompiled copy of TranslateSBML. The source distribution of libSBML for Linux, MacOS X and other Unix-like environments does not come with precompiled executables and you will need to build TranslateSBML as described below. ---------------------------------- 2. Configuration and Installation ---------------------------------- Windows ------- A precompiled version of the Windows .mexw32 file is available; you should not need to follow these instructions in most circumstances. Start a Windows command shell. At the command prompt, change to the directory holding the file you are reading right now, i.e., 'libsbml-VERSION\src\binding\matlab' where "VERSION" is the version of libSBML you have obtained. Execute "make.bat". This will start MATLAB and run a script that 1) adds the directory to the MATLAB search path, 2) checks whether the necessary libraries are on the PATH and if not copies the files to the matlabroot\bin\win32 directory as this must be on the PATH if MATLAB is installed, The TranslateSBML executable is provided with the download and it is not necessary to build it in order to use it. However the script BuildTranslate_Win32 can be used within MATLAB to build TranslateSBML.dll provided the C compiler that MATLAB uses is compatible. Linux and MacOS X ----------------- The first step is to run the top-level libSBML 'configure' script with the --with-matlab option. (See the top-level README.txt file in the libSBML source distribution.) You will probably have to supply the pathname of the directory tree where MATLAB is installed on your system. For example, on MacOS X with release R14sp3 of MATLAB, run the following shell command in the top-level libsbml directory: ./configure --with-matlab=/Applications/MATLAB704 The libSBML 'configure' script will construct a Makefile in this directory (i.e., the directory containing the file you are reading right now), and executing 'make' from the top level will run the MATLAB mex compiler to create an object file for use with MATLAB. The 'make install' step will then copy this object file to the library installation directory chosen by the user. (This directory is /usr/local/lib by default.) The second step is to configure MATLAB to look for the TranslateSBML function in the libSBML library installation directory. You can do this by using a MATLAB command such as addpath('/usr/local/lib'); at the MATLAB prompt. You may wish to add this command to your MATLAB startup script in ${HOME}/matlab/startup.m. ------------------------------------------ 3. Licensing, Copyrights and Distribution ------------------------------------------ The terms of redistribution for this software are stated in the files LICENSE.txt and COPYING.txt at the top level of the libSBML distribution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- File author: B. Bornstein, S. Keating, M. Hucka Last Modified: $Date: 2009-01-04 11:26:05 +0900 (日, 04 1月 2009) $ Last Modified By: $Author: mhucka $ $HeadURL: $ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following is for [X]Emacs users. Please leave in place. # Local Variables: # fill-column: 70 # End: