/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file was automatically generated by SWIG (http://www.swig.org). * Version 1.3.39 * * Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify * the SWIG interface file instead. * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ namespace libsbml { using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; public class libsbml { public static SBase DowncastSBase(IntPtr cPtr, bool owner) { if (cPtr.Equals(IntPtr.Zero)) return null; SBase sb = new SBase(cPtr, false); switch( sb.getTypeCode() ) { case (int) libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT: return new Compartment(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_COMPARTMENT_TYPE: return new CompartmentType(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_CONSTRAINT: return new Constraint(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_DOCUMENT: return new SBMLDocument(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_DELAY: return new Delay(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_EVENT: return new Event(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_EVENT_ASSIGNMENT: return new EventAssignment(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_FUNCTION_DEFINITION: return new FunctionDefinition(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_INITIAL_ASSIGNMENT: return new InitialAssignment(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_KINETIC_LAW: return new KineticLaw(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_LIST_OF: string name = sb.getElementName(); if(name == "listOf") { return new ListOf(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfCompartments") { return new ListOfCompartments(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfCompartmentTypes") { return new ListOfCompartmentTypes(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfConstraints") { return new ListOfConstraints(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfEvents") { return new ListOfEvents(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfEventAssignments") { return new ListOfEventAssignments(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfFunctionDefinitions") { return new ListOfFunctionDefinitions(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfInitialAssignments") { return new ListOfInitialAssignments(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfParameters") { return new ListOfParameters(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfReactions") { return new ListOfReactions(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfRules") { return new ListOfRules(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfSpecies") { return new ListOfSpecies(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfUnknowns") { return new ListOfSpeciesReferences(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfReactants") { return new ListOfSpeciesReferences(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfProducts") { return new ListOfSpeciesReferences(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfModifiers") { return new ListOfSpeciesReferences(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfSpeciesTypes") { return new ListOfSpeciesTypes(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfUnits") { return new ListOfUnits(cPtr, owner); } else if(name == "listOfUnitDefinitions") { return new ListOfUnitDefinitions(cPtr, owner); } return new ListOf(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_MODEL: return new Model(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_PARAMETER: return new Parameter(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_REACTION: return new Reaction(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_SPECIES: return new Species(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_SPECIES_REFERENCE: return new SpeciesReference(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_MODIFIER_SPECIES_REFERENCE: return new ModifierSpeciesReference(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_SPECIES_TYPE: return new SpeciesType(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_TRIGGER: return new Trigger(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_UNIT_DEFINITION: return new UnitDefinition(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_UNIT: return new Unit(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_ALGEBRAIC_RULE: return new AlgebraicRule(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE: return new AssignmentRule(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_RATE_RULE: return new RateRule(cPtr, owner); case (int) libsbml.SBML_STOICHIOMETRY_MATH: return new StoichiometryMath(cPtr, owner); default: return new SBase(cPtr, owner); } } public static readonly OStream cout = new OStream(OStream.COUT); public static readonly OStream cerr = new OStream(OStream.CERR); public static readonly OStream clog = new OStream(OStream.CLOG); public static int ASTNode_true(ASTNode node) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.ASTNode_true(ASTNode.getCPtr(node)); return ret; } public static int getLibSBMLVersion() { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.getLibSBMLVersion(); return ret; } public static string getLibSBMLDottedVersion() { string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.getLibSBMLDottedVersion(); return ret; } public static string getLibSBMLVersionString() { string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.getLibSBMLVersionString(); return ret; } public static SBMLDocument readSBML(string filename) { IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.readSBML(filename); SBMLDocument ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SBMLDocument(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static SBMLDocument readSBMLFromString(string xml) { IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.readSBMLFromString(xml); SBMLDocument ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new SBMLDocument(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static int writeSBML(SBMLDocument d, string filename) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.writeSBML(SBMLDocument.getCPtr(d), filename); return ret; } public static string writeSBMLToString(SBMLDocument d) { string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.writeSBMLToString(SBMLDocument.getCPtr(d)); return ret; } public static string SBMLTypeCode_toString(int tc) { string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.SBMLTypeCode_toString(tc); return ret; } public static int UnitKind_equals(int uk1, int uk2) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.UnitKind_equals(uk1, uk2); return ret; } public static int UnitKind_forName(string name) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.UnitKind_forName(name); return ret; } public static string UnitKind_toString(int uk) { string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.UnitKind_toString(uk); return ret; } public static int UnitKind_isValidUnitKindString(string arg0, long level, long version) { int ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.UnitKind_isValidUnitKindString(arg0, level, version); return ret; } public static ASTNode readMathMLFromString(string xml) { IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.readMathMLFromString(xml); ASTNode ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static string writeMathMLToString(ASTNode node) { string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.writeMathMLToString(ASTNode.getCPtr(node)); return ret; } public static ASTNode parseFormula(string formula) { IntPtr cPtr = libsbmlPINVOKE.parseFormula(formula); ASTNode ret = (cPtr == IntPtr.Zero) ? null : new ASTNode(cPtr, true); return ret; } public static string formulaToString(ASTNode tree) { string ret = libsbmlPINVOKE.formulaToString(ASTNode.getCPtr(tree)); return ret; } public const string LIBSBML_DOTTED_VERSION = "3.4.1"; public const int LIBSBML_VERSION = 30401; public const string LIBSBML_VERSION_STRING = "30401"; // SBMLTypeCode_t public const int SBML_UNKNOWN = 0; public const int SBML_COMPARTMENT = SBML_UNKNOWN + 1; public const int SBML_COMPARTMENT_TYPE = SBML_COMPARTMENT + 1; public const int SBML_CONSTRAINT = SBML_COMPARTMENT_TYPE + 1; public const int SBML_DOCUMENT = SBML_CONSTRAINT + 1; public const int SBML_EVENT = SBML_DOCUMENT + 1; public const int SBML_EVENT_ASSIGNMENT = SBML_EVENT + 1; public const int SBML_FUNCTION_DEFINITION = SBML_EVENT_ASSIGNMENT + 1; public const int SBML_INITIAL_ASSIGNMENT = SBML_FUNCTION_DEFINITION + 1; public const int SBML_KINETIC_LAW = SBML_INITIAL_ASSIGNMENT + 1; public const int SBML_LIST_OF = SBML_KINETIC_LAW + 1; public const int SBML_MODEL = SBML_LIST_OF + 1; public const int SBML_PARAMETER = SBML_MODEL + 1; public const int SBML_REACTION = SBML_PARAMETER + 1; public const int SBML_RULE = SBML_REACTION + 1; public const int SBML_SPECIES = SBML_RULE + 1; public const int SBML_SPECIES_REFERENCE = SBML_SPECIES + 1; public const int SBML_SPECIES_TYPE = SBML_SPECIES_REFERENCE + 1; public const int SBML_MODIFIER_SPECIES_REFERENCE = SBML_SPECIES_TYPE + 1; public const int SBML_UNIT_DEFINITION = SBML_MODIFIER_SPECIES_REFERENCE + 1; public const int SBML_UNIT = SBML_UNIT_DEFINITION + 1; public const int SBML_ALGEBRAIC_RULE = SBML_UNIT + 1; public const int SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE = SBML_ALGEBRAIC_RULE + 1; public const int SBML_RATE_RULE = SBML_ASSIGNMENT_RULE + 1; public const int SBML_SPECIES_CONCENTRATION_RULE = SBML_RATE_RULE + 1; public const int SBML_COMPARTMENT_VOLUME_RULE = SBML_SPECIES_CONCENTRATION_RULE + 1; public const int SBML_PARAMETER_RULE = SBML_COMPARTMENT_VOLUME_RULE + 1; public const int SBML_TRIGGER = SBML_PARAMETER_RULE + 1; public const int SBML_DELAY = SBML_TRIGGER + 1; public const int SBML_STOICHIOMETRY_MATH = SBML_DELAY + 1; public const int SBML_FORMULA_UNITS_DATA = SBML_STOICHIOMETRY_MATH + 1; public const int SBML_LIST_FORMULA_UNITS_DATA = SBML_FORMULA_UNITS_DATA + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_COMPARTMENTS = SBML_LIST_FORMULA_UNITS_DATA + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_COMPARTMENT_TYPES = SBML_LISTOF_COMPARTMENTS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_CONSTRAINTS = SBML_LISTOF_COMPARTMENT_TYPES + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_EVENTS = SBML_LISTOF_CONSTRAINTS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_EVENT_ASSIGNMENTS = SBML_LISTOF_EVENTS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_FUNCTION_DEFINITIONS = SBML_LISTOF_EVENT_ASSIGNMENTS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_INITIAL_ASSIGNMENTS = SBML_LISTOF_FUNCTION_DEFINITIONS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_PARAMETERS = SBML_LISTOF_INITIAL_ASSIGNMENTS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_REACTIONS = SBML_LISTOF_PARAMETERS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_RULES = SBML_LISTOF_REACTIONS + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_SPECIES = SBML_LISTOF_RULES + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_SPECIES_REFERENCES = SBML_LISTOF_SPECIES + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_SPECIES_TYPES = SBML_LISTOF_SPECIES_REFERENCES + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_UNIT_DEFINITIONS = SBML_LISTOF_SPECIES_TYPES + 1; public const int SBML_LISTOF_UNITS = SBML_LISTOF_UNIT_DEFINITIONS + 1; public const int IdCheckON = 0x01; public const int IdCheckOFF = 0xfe; public const int SBMLCheckON = 0x02; public const int SBMLCheckOFF = 0xfd; public const int SBOCheckON = 0x04; public const int SBOCheckOFF = 0xfb; public const int MathCheckON = 0x08; public const int MathCheckOFF = 0xf7; public const int UnitsCheckON = 0x10; public const int UnitsCheckOFF = 0xef; public const int OverdeterCheckON = 0x20; public const int OverdeterCheckOFF = 0xdf; public const int PracticeCheckON = 0x40; public const int PracticeCheckOFF = 0xbf; public const int AllChecksON = 0x7f; // UnitKind_t public const int UNIT_KIND_AMPERE = 0; public const int UNIT_KIND_BECQUEREL = UNIT_KIND_AMPERE + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_CANDELA = UNIT_KIND_BECQUEREL + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_CELSIUS = UNIT_KIND_CANDELA + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_COULOMB = UNIT_KIND_CELSIUS + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_DIMENSIONLESS = UNIT_KIND_COULOMB + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_FARAD = UNIT_KIND_DIMENSIONLESS + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_GRAM = UNIT_KIND_FARAD + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_GRAY = UNIT_KIND_GRAM + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_HENRY = UNIT_KIND_GRAY + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_HERTZ = UNIT_KIND_HENRY + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_ITEM = UNIT_KIND_HERTZ + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_JOULE = UNIT_KIND_ITEM + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_KATAL = UNIT_KIND_JOULE + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_KELVIN = UNIT_KIND_KATAL + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_KILOGRAM = UNIT_KIND_KELVIN + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_LITER = UNIT_KIND_KILOGRAM + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_LITRE = UNIT_KIND_LITER + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_LUMEN = UNIT_KIND_LITRE + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_LUX = UNIT_KIND_LUMEN + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_METER = UNIT_KIND_LUX + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_METRE = UNIT_KIND_METER + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_MOLE = UNIT_KIND_METRE + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_NEWTON = UNIT_KIND_MOLE + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_OHM = UNIT_KIND_NEWTON + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_PASCAL = UNIT_KIND_OHM + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_RADIAN = UNIT_KIND_PASCAL + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_SECOND = UNIT_KIND_RADIAN + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_SIEMENS = UNIT_KIND_SECOND + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_SIEVERT = UNIT_KIND_SIEMENS + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_STERADIAN = UNIT_KIND_SIEVERT + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_TESLA = UNIT_KIND_STERADIAN + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_VOLT = UNIT_KIND_TESLA + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_WATT = UNIT_KIND_VOLT + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_WEBER = UNIT_KIND_WATT + 1; public const int UNIT_KIND_INVALID = UNIT_KIND_WEBER + 1; // RuleType_t public const int RULE_TYPE_RATE = 0; public const int RULE_TYPE_SCALAR = RULE_TYPE_RATE + 1; public const int RULE_TYPE_INVALID = RULE_TYPE_SCALAR + 1; public const int SBML_DEFAULT_LEVEL = 2; public const int SBML_DEFAULT_VERSION = 4; public const string SBML_XMLNS_L1 = "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level1"; public const string SBML_XMLNS_L2V1 = "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level2"; public const string SBML_XMLNS_L2V2 = "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level2/version2"; public const string SBML_XMLNS_L2V3 = "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level2/version3"; public const string SBML_XMLNS_L2V4 = "http://www.sbml.org/sbml/level2/version4"; // OperationReturnCodes_t public const int LIBSBML_AST_NODE_OPERATION_SUCCESS = 0; public const int LIBSBML_AST_NODE_INDEX_EXCEEDS_SIZE = -1; // ASTNodeType_t public const int AST_PLUS = '+'; public const int AST_MINUS = '-'; public const int AST_TIMES = '*'; public const int AST_DIVIDE = '/'; public const int AST_POWER = '^'; public const int AST_INTEGER = 256; public const int AST_REAL = AST_INTEGER + 1; public const int AST_REAL_E = AST_REAL + 1; public const int AST_RATIONAL = AST_REAL_E + 1; public const int AST_NAME = AST_RATIONAL + 1; public const int AST_NAME_TIME = AST_NAME + 1; public const int AST_CONSTANT_E = AST_NAME_TIME + 1; public const int AST_CONSTANT_FALSE = AST_CONSTANT_E + 1; public const int AST_CONSTANT_PI = AST_CONSTANT_FALSE + 1; public const int AST_CONSTANT_TRUE = AST_CONSTANT_PI + 1; public const int AST_LAMBDA = AST_CONSTANT_TRUE + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION = AST_LAMBDA + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ABS = AST_FUNCTION + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOS = AST_FUNCTION_ABS + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOSH = AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOS + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOT = AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOSH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOTH = AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOT + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCCSC = AST_FUNCTION_ARCCOTH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCCSCH = AST_FUNCTION_ARCCSC + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCSEC = AST_FUNCTION_ARCCSCH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCSECH = AST_FUNCTION_ARCSEC + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCSIN = AST_FUNCTION_ARCSECH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCSINH = AST_FUNCTION_ARCSIN + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCTAN = AST_FUNCTION_ARCSINH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ARCTANH = AST_FUNCTION_ARCTAN + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_CEILING = AST_FUNCTION_ARCTANH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_COS = AST_FUNCTION_CEILING + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_COSH = AST_FUNCTION_COS + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_COT = AST_FUNCTION_COSH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_COTH = AST_FUNCTION_COT + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_CSC = AST_FUNCTION_COTH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_CSCH = AST_FUNCTION_CSC + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_DELAY = AST_FUNCTION_CSCH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_EXP = AST_FUNCTION_DELAY + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_FACTORIAL = AST_FUNCTION_EXP + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_FLOOR = AST_FUNCTION_FACTORIAL + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_LN = AST_FUNCTION_FLOOR + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_LOG = AST_FUNCTION_LN + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_PIECEWISE = AST_FUNCTION_LOG + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_POWER = AST_FUNCTION_PIECEWISE + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_ROOT = AST_FUNCTION_POWER + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_SEC = AST_FUNCTION_ROOT + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_SECH = AST_FUNCTION_SEC + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_SIN = AST_FUNCTION_SECH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_SINH = AST_FUNCTION_SIN + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_TAN = AST_FUNCTION_SINH + 1; public const int AST_FUNCTION_TANH = AST_FUNCTION_TAN + 1; public const int AST_LOGICAL_AND = AST_FUNCTION_TANH + 1; public const int AST_LOGICAL_NOT = AST_LOGICAL_AND + 1; public const int AST_LOGICAL_OR = AST_LOGICAL_NOT + 1; public const int AST_LOGICAL_XOR = AST_LOGICAL_OR + 1; public const int AST_RELATIONAL_EQ = AST_LOGICAL_XOR + 1; public const int AST_RELATIONAL_GEQ = AST_RELATIONAL_EQ + 1; public const int AST_RELATIONAL_GT = AST_RELATIONAL_GEQ + 1; public const int AST_RELATIONAL_LEQ = AST_RELATIONAL_GT + 1; public const int AST_RELATIONAL_LT = AST_RELATIONAL_LEQ + 1; public const int AST_RELATIONAL_NEQ = AST_RELATIONAL_LT + 1; public const int AST_UNKNOWN = AST_RELATIONAL_NEQ + 1; // XMLErrorCode_t public const int XMLUnknownError = 0; public const int XMLOutOfMemory = 1; public const int XMLFileUnreadable = 2; public const int XMLFileUnwritable = 3; public const int XMLFileOperationError = 4; public const int XMLNetworkAccessError = 5; public const int InternalXMLParserError = 101; public const int UnrecognizedXMLParserCode = 102; public const int XMLTranscoderError = 103; public const int MissingXMLDecl = 1001; public const int MissingXMLEncoding = 1002; public const int BadXMLDecl = 1003; public const int BadXMLDOCTYPE = 1004; public const int InvalidCharInXML = 1005; public const int BadlyFormedXML = 1006; public const int UnclosedXMLToken = 1007; public const int InvalidXMLConstruct = 1008; public const int XMLTagMismatch = 1009; public const int DuplicateXMLAttribute = 1010; public const int UndefinedXMLEntity = 1011; public const int BadProcessingInstruction = 1012; public const int BadXMLPrefix = 1013; public const int BadXMLPrefixValue = 1014; public const int MissingXMLRequiredAttribute = 1015; public const int XMLAttributeTypeMismatch = 1016; public const int XMLBadUTF8Content = 1017; public const int MissingXMLAttributeValue = 1018; public const int BadXMLAttributeValue = 1019; public const int BadXMLAttribute = 1020; public const int UnrecognizedXMLElement = 1021; public const int BadXMLComment = 1022; public const int BadXMLDeclLocation = 1023; public const int XMLUnexpectedEOF = 1024; public const int BadXMLIDValue = 1025; public const int BadXMLIDRef = 1026; public const int UninterpretableXMLContent = 1027; public const int BadXMLDocumentStructure = 1028; public const int InvalidAfterXMLContent = 1029; public const int XMLExpectedQuotedString = 1030; public const int XMLEmptyValueNotPermitted = 1031; public const int XMLBadNumber = 1032; public const int XMLBadColon = 1033; public const int MissingXMLElements = 1034; public const int XMLContentEmpty = 1035; public const int XMLErrorCodesUpperBound = 9999; // XMLErrorCategory_t public const int LIBSBML_CAT_INTERNAL = 0; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SYSTEM = LIBSBML_CAT_INTERNAL + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_XML = LIBSBML_CAT_SYSTEM + 1; // XMLErrorSeverity_t public const int LIBSBML_SEV_INFO = 0; public const int LIBSBML_SEV_WARNING = LIBSBML_SEV_INFO + 1; public const int LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR = LIBSBML_SEV_WARNING + 1; public const int LIBSBML_SEV_FATAL = LIBSBML_SEV_ERROR + 1; // SBMLErrorCode_t public const int UnknownError = 10000; public const int NotUTF8 = 10101; public const int UnrecognizedElement = 10102; public const int NotSchemaConformant = 10103; public const int InvalidMathElement = 10201; public const int DisallowedMathMLSymbol = 10202; public const int DisallowedMathMLEncodingUse = 10203; public const int DisallowedDefinitionURLUse = 10204; public const int BadCsymbolDefinitionURLValue = 10205; public const int DisallowedMathTypeAttributeUse = 10206; public const int DisallowedMathTypeAttributeValue = 10207; public const int LambdaOnlyAllowedInFunctionDef = 10208; public const int BooleanOpsNeedBooleanArgs = 10209; public const int NumericOpsNeedNumericArgs = 10210; public const int ArgsToEqNeedSameType = 10211; public const int PiecewiseNeedsConsistentTypes = 10212; public const int PieceNeedsBoolean = 10213; public const int ApplyCiMustBeUserFunction = 10214; public const int ApplyCiMustBeModelComponent = 10215; public const int KineticLawParametersAreLocalOnly = 10216; public const int MathResultMustBeNumeric = 10217; public const int OpsNeedCorrectNumberOfArgs = 10218; public const int InvalidNoArgsPassedToFunctionDef = 10219; public const int DuplicateComponentId = 10301; public const int DuplicateUnitDefinitionId = 10302; public const int DuplicateLocalParameterId = 10303; public const int MultipleAssignmentOrRateRules = 10304; public const int MultipleEventAssignmentsForId = 10305; public const int EventAndAssignmentRuleForId = 10306; public const int DuplicateMetaId = 10307; public const int InvalidSBOTermSyntax = 10308; public const int InvalidMetaidSyntax = 10309; public const int InvalidIdSyntax = 10310; public const int InvalidUnitIdSyntax = 10311; public const int MissingAnnotationNamespace = 10401; public const int DuplicateAnnotationNamespaces = 10402; public const int SBMLNamespaceInAnnotation = 10403; public const int InconsistentArgUnits = 10501; public const int AssignRuleCompartmentMismatch = 10511; public const int AssignRuleSpeciesMismatch = 10512; public const int AssignRuleParameterMismatch = 10513; public const int InitAssignCompartmenMismatch = 10521; public const int InitAssignSpeciesMismatch = 10522; public const int InitAssignParameterMismatch = 10523; public const int RateRuleCompartmentMismatch = 10531; public const int RateRuleSpeciesMismatch = 10532; public const int RateRuleParameterMismatch = 10533; public const int KineticLawNotSubstancePerTime = 10541; public const int DelayUnitsNotTime = 10551; public const int EventAssignCompartmentMismatch = 10561; public const int EventAssignSpeciesMismatch = 10562; public const int EventAssignParameterMismatch = 10563; public const int OverdeterminedSystem = 10601; public const int InvalidModelSBOTerm = 10701; public const int InvalidFunctionDefSBOTerm = 10702; public const int InvalidParameterSBOTerm = 10703; public const int InvalidInitAssignSBOTerm = 10704; public const int InvalidRuleSBOTerm = 10705; public const int InvalidConstraintSBOTerm = 10706; public const int InvalidReactionSBOTerm = 10707; public const int InvalidSpeciesReferenceSBOTerm = 10708; public const int InvalidKineticLawSBOTerm = 10709; public const int InvalidEventSBOTerm = 10710; public const int InvalidEventAssignmentSBOTerm = 10711; public const int InvalidCompartmentSBOTerm = 10712; public const int InvalidSpeciesSBOTerm = 10713; public const int InvalidCompartmentTypeSBOTerm = 10714; public const int InvalidSpeciesTypeSBOTerm = 10715; public const int InvalidTriggerSBOTerm = 10716; public const int InvalidDelaySBOTerm = 10717; public const int NotesNotInXHTMLNamespace = 10801; public const int NotesContainsXMLDecl = 10802; public const int NotesContainsDOCTYPE = 10803; public const int InvalidNotesContent = 10804; public const int InvalidNamespaceOnSBML = 20101; public const int MissingOrInconsistentLevel = 20102; public const int MissingOrInconsistentVersion = 20103; public const int AnnotationNotesNotAllowedLevel1 = 20104; public const int MissingModel = 20201; public const int IncorrectOrderInModel = 20202; public const int EmptyListElement = 20203; public const int NeedCompartmentIfHaveSpecies = 20204; public const int FunctionDefMathNotLambda = 20301; public const int InvalidApplyCiInLambda = 20302; public const int RecursiveFunctionDefinition = 20303; public const int InvalidCiInLambda = 20304; public const int InvalidFunctionDefReturnType = 20305; public const int InvalidUnitDefId = 20401; public const int InvalidSubstanceRedefinition = 20402; public const int InvalidLengthRedefinition = 20403; public const int InvalidAreaRedefinition = 20404; public const int InvalidTimeRedefinition = 20405; public const int InvalidVolumeRedefinition = 20406; public const int VolumeLitreDefExponentNotOne = 20407; public const int VolumeMetreDefExponentNot3 = 20408; public const int EmptyListOfUnits = 20409; public const int InvalidUnitKind = 20410; public const int OffsetNoLongerValid = 20411; public const int CelsiusNoLongerValid = 20412; public const int ZeroDimensionalCompartmentSize = 20501; public const int ZeroDimensionalCompartmentUnits = 20502; public const int ZeroDimensionalCompartmentConst = 20503; public const int UndefinedOutsideCompartment = 20504; public const int RecursiveCompartmentContainment = 20505; public const int ZeroDCompartmentContainment = 20506; public const int Invalid1DCompartmentUnits = 20507; public const int Invalid2DCompartmentUnits = 20508; public const int Invalid3DCompartmentUnits = 20509; public const int InvalidCompartmentTypeRef = 20510; public const int InvalidSpeciesCompartmentRef = 20601; public const int HasOnlySubsNoSpatialUnits = 20602; public const int NoSpatialUnitsInZeroD = 20603; public const int NoConcentrationInZeroD = 20604; public const int SpatialUnitsInOneD = 20605; public const int SpatialUnitsInTwoD = 20606; public const int SpatialUnitsInThreeD = 20607; public const int InvalidSpeciesSusbstanceUnits = 20608; public const int BothAmountAndConcentrationSet = 20609; public const int NonBoundarySpeciesAssignedAndUsed = 20610; public const int NonConstantSpeciesUsed = 20611; public const int InvalidSpeciesTypeRef = 20612; public const int MultSpeciesSameTypeInCompartment = 20613; public const int MissingSpeciesCompartment = 20614; public const int SpatialSizeUnitsRemoved = 20615; public const int InvalidParameterUnits = 20701; public const int InvalidInitAssignSymbol = 20801; public const int MultipleInitAssignments = 20802; public const int InitAssignmentAndRuleForSameId = 20803; public const int InvalidAssignRuleVariable = 20901; public const int InvalidRateRuleVariable = 20902; public const int AssignmentToConstantEntity = 20903; public const int RateRuleForConstantEntity = 20904; public const int RepeatedRule10304 = 20905; public const int CircularRuleDependency = 20906; public const int ConstraintMathNotBoolean = 21001; public const int IncorrectOrderInConstraint = 21002; public const int ConstraintNotInXHTMLNamespace = 21003; public const int ConstraintContainsXMLDecl = 21004; public const int ConstraintContainsDOCTYPE = 21005; public const int InvalidConstraintContent = 21006; public const int NoReactantsOrProducts = 21101; public const int IncorrectOrderInReaction = 21102; public const int EmptyListInReaction = 21103; public const int InvalidReactantsProductsList = 21104; public const int InvalidModifiersList = 21105; public const int InvalidSpeciesReference = 21111; public const int RepeatedRule20611 = 21112; public const int BothStoichiometryAndMath = 21113; public const int UndeclaredSpeciesRef = 21121; public const int IncorrectOrderInKineticLaw = 21122; public const int EmptyListInKineticLaw = 21123; public const int NonConstantLocalParameter = 21124; public const int SubsUnitsNoLongerValid = 21125; public const int TimeUnitsNoLongerValid = 21126; public const int UndeclaredSpeciesInStoichMath = 21131; public const int MissingTriggerInEvent = 21201; public const int TriggerMathNotBoolean = 21202; public const int MissingEventAssignment = 21203; public const int TimeUnitsEvent = 21204; public const int IncorrectOrderInEvent = 21205; public const int ValuesFromTriggerTimeNeedDelay = 21206; public const int InvalidEventAssignmentVariable = 21211; public const int EventAssignmentForConstantEntity = 21212; public const int GeneralWarningNotSpecified = 29999; public const int CompartmentShouldHaveSize = 80501; public const int ParameterShouldHaveUnits = 80701; public const int LocalParameterShadowsId = 81121; public const int LibSBMLAdditionalCodesLowerBound = 90000; public const int CannotConvertToL1V1 = 90001; public const int NoEventsInL1 = 91001; public const int NoFunctionDefinitionsInL1 = 91002; public const int NoConstraintsInL1 = 91003; public const int NoInitialAssignmentsInL1 = 91004; public const int NoSpeciesTypesInL1 = 91005; public const int NoCompartmentTypeInL1 = 91006; public const int NoNon3DComparmentsInL1 = 91007; public const int NoFancyStoichiometryMathInL1 = 91008; public const int NoNonIntegerStoichiometryInL1 = 91009; public const int NoUnitMultipliersOrOffsetsInL1 = 91010; public const int SpeciesCompartmentRequiredInL1 = 91011; public const int NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL1 = 91012; public const int NoSBOTermsInL1 = 91013; public const int StrictUnitsRequiredInL1 = 91014; public const int NoConstraintsInL2v1 = 92001; public const int NoInitialAssignmentsInL2v1 = 92002; public const int NoSpeciesTypeInL2v1 = 92003; public const int NoCompartmentTypeInL2v1 = 92004; public const int NoSBOTermsInL2v1 = 92005; public const int NoIdOnSpeciesReferenceInL2v1 = 92006; public const int NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v1 = 92007; public const int StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v1 = 92008; public const int SBOTermNotUniversalInL2v2 = 93001; public const int NoUnitOffsetInL2v2 = 93002; public const int NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v2 = 93003; public const int NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v2 = 93004; public const int NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v2 = 93005; public const int ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v2 = 93006; public const int StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v2 = 93007; public const int StrictSBORequiredInL2v2 = 93008; public const int DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v2 = 93009; public const int NoUnitOffsetInL2v3 = 94001; public const int NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v3 = 94002; public const int NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v3 = 94003; public const int NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v3 = 94004; public const int NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v3 = 94005; public const int NoDelayedEventAssignmentInL2v3 = 94006; public const int ModelSBOBranchChangedBeyondL2v3 = 94007; public const int StrictUnitsRequiredInL2v3 = 94008; public const int StrictSBORequiredInL2v3 = 94009; public const int DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v3 = 94010; public const int NoUnitOffsetInL2v4 = 95001; public const int NoKineticLawTimeUnitsInL2v4 = 95002; public const int NoKineticLawSubstanceUnitsInL2v4 = 95003; public const int NoSpeciesSpatialSizeUnitsInL2v4 = 95004; public const int NoEventTimeUnitsInL2v4 = 95005; public const int ModelSBOBranchChangedInL2v4 = 95006; public const int DuplicateAnnotationInvalidInL2v4 = 95007; public const int InvalidSBMLLevelVersion = 99101; public const int InvalidRuleOrdering = 99106; public const int SubsUnitsAllowedInKL = 99127; public const int TimeUnitsAllowedInKL = 99128; public const int FormulaInLevel1KL = 99129; public const int TimeUnitsRemoved = 99206; public const int BadMathML = 99219; public const int FailedMathMLReadOfDouble = 99220; public const int FailedMathMLReadOfInteger = 99221; public const int FailedMathMLReadOfExponential = 99222; public const int FailedMathMLReadOfRational = 99223; public const int BadMathMLNodeType = 99224; public const int NoTimeSymbolInFunctionDef = 99301; public const int InconsistentArgUnitsWarnings = 99502; public const int InconsistentPowerUnitsWarnings = 99503; public const int InconsistentExponUnitsWarnings = 99504; public const int UndeclaredUnits = 99505; public const int UnrecognisedSBOTerm = 99701; public const int ObseleteSBOTerm = 99702; public const int IncorrectCompartmentSpatialDimensions = 99901; public const int CompartmentTypeNotValidAttribute = 99902; public const int ConstantNotValidAttribute = 99903; public const int MetaIdNotValidAttribute = 99904; public const int SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V3 = 99905; public const int InvalidL1CompartmentUnits = 99906; public const int L1V1CompartmentVolumeReqd = 99907; public const int CompartmentTypeNotValidComponent = 99908; public const int ConstraintNotValidComponent = 99909; public const int EventNotValidComponent = 99910; public const int SBOTermNotValidAttributeBeforeL2V2 = 99911; public const int FuncDefNotValidComponent = 99912; public const int InitialAssignNotValidComponent = 99913; public const int VariableNotValidAttribute = 99914; public const int UnitsNotValidAttribute = 99915; public const int ConstantSpeciesNotValidAttribute = 99916; public const int SpatialSizeUnitsNotValidAttribute = 99917; public const int SpeciesTypeNotValidAttribute = 99918; public const int HasOnlySubsUnitsNotValidAttribute = 99919; public const int IdNotValidAttribute = 99920; public const int NameNotValidAttribute = 99921; public const int SpeciesTypeNotValidComponent = 99922; public const int StoichiometryMathNotValidComponent = 99923; public const int MultiplierNotValidAttribute = 99924; public const int OffsetNotValidAttribute = 99925; public const int SBMLCodesUpperBound = 99999; // SBMLErrorCategory_t public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SBML = (LIBSBML_CAT_XML+1); public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L1_COMPAT = LIBSBML_CAT_SBML + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L2V1_COMPAT = LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L1_COMPAT + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L2V2_COMPAT = LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L2V1_COMPAT + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_GENERAL_CONSISTENCY = LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L2V2_COMPAT + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_IDENTIFIER_CONSISTENCY = LIBSBML_CAT_GENERAL_CONSISTENCY + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_UNITS_CONSISTENCY = LIBSBML_CAT_IDENTIFIER_CONSISTENCY + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_MATHML_CONSISTENCY = LIBSBML_CAT_UNITS_CONSISTENCY + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SBO_CONSISTENCY = LIBSBML_CAT_MATHML_CONSISTENCY + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_OVERDETERMINED_MODEL = LIBSBML_CAT_SBO_CONSISTENCY + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L2V3_COMPAT = LIBSBML_CAT_OVERDETERMINED_MODEL + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_MODELING_PRACTICE = LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L2V3_COMPAT + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY = LIBSBML_CAT_MODELING_PRACTICE + 1; public const int LIBSBML_CAT_SBML_L2V4_COMPAT = LIBSBML_CAT_INTERNAL_CONSISTENCY + 1; // SBMLErrorSeverity_t public const int LIBSBML_SEV_SCHEMA_ERROR = (LIBSBML_SEV_FATAL+1); public const int LIBSBML_SEV_GENERAL_WARNING = LIBSBML_SEV_SCHEMA_ERROR + 1; public const int LIBSBML_SEV_NOT_APPLICABLE = LIBSBML_SEV_GENERAL_WARNING + 1; // QualifierType_t public const int MODEL_QUALIFIER = 0; public const int BIOLOGICAL_QUALIFIER = MODEL_QUALIFIER + 1; public const int UNKNOWN_QUALIFIER = BIOLOGICAL_QUALIFIER + 1; // ModelQualifierType_t public const int BQM_IS = 0; public const int BQM_IS_DESCRIBED_BY = BQM_IS + 1; public const int BQM_UNKNOWN = BQM_IS_DESCRIBED_BY + 1; // BiolQualifierType_t public const int BQB_IS = 0; public const int BQB_HAS_PART = BQB_IS + 1; public const int BQB_IS_PART_OF = BQB_HAS_PART + 1; public const int BQB_IS_VERSION_OF = BQB_IS_PART_OF + 1; public const int BQB_HAS_VERSION = BQB_IS_VERSION_OF + 1; public const int BQB_IS_HOMOLOG_TO = BQB_HAS_VERSION + 1; public const int BQB_IS_DESCRIBED_BY = BQB_IS_HOMOLOG_TO + 1; public const int BQB_IS_ENCODED_BY = BQB_IS_DESCRIBED_BY + 1; public const int BQB_ENCODES = BQB_IS_ENCODED_BY + 1; public const int BQB_OCCURS_IN = BQB_ENCODES + 1; public const int BQB_UNKNOWN = BQB_OCCURS_IN + 1; } }