Enumerator Meaning
UNIT_KIND_AMPEREThe ampere unit
UNIT_KIND_BECQUERELThe becquerel unit.
UNIT_KIND_CANDELAThe candela unit.
UNIT_KIND_CELSIUSThe Celsius unit.
UNIT_KIND_COULOMBThe coulomb unit.
UNIT_KIND_DIMENSIONLESSA pseudo-unit indicating a dimensionless quantity. (This is in fact defined in the SBML specification.)
UNIT_KIND_FARADThe farad unit.
UNIT_KIND_GRAMThe gram unit.
UNIT_KIND_GRAYThe gray unit.
UNIT_KIND_HENRYThe henry unit.
UNIT_KIND_HERTZThe hertz unit.
UNIT_KIND_ITEMA pseudo-unit representing a single "thing". (This is in fact defined in the SBML specification.)
UNIT_KIND_JOULEThe joule unit.
UNIT_KIND_KATALThe katal unit.
UNIT_KIND_KELVINThe kelvin unit.
UNIT_KIND_KILOGRAMThe kilogram unit.
UNIT_KIND_LITERAlternate spelling of litre.
UNIT_KIND_LITREThe litre unit.
UNIT_KIND_LUMENThe lumen unit.
UNIT_KIND_LUXThe lux unit.
UNIT_KIND_METERAlternate spelling of metre.
UNIT_KIND_METREThe metre unit.
UNIT_KIND_MOLEThe mole unit.
UNIT_KIND_NEWTONThe newton unit.
UNIT_KIND_OHMThe ohm unit.
UNIT_KIND_PASCALThe pascal unit.
UNIT_KIND_RADIANThe radian unit.
UNIT_KIND_SECONDThe second unit.
UNIT_KIND_SIEMENSThe siemens unit.
UNIT_KIND_SIEVERTThe sievert unit.
UNIT_KIND_STERADIANThe steradian unit.
UNIT_KIND_TESLAThe tesla unit.
UNIT_KIND_VOLTThe volt unit.
UNIT_KIND_WATTThe watt unit.
UNIT_KIND_WEBERThe weber unit.
UNIT_KIND_INVALIDMarker used by libSBML to indicate an invalid or unset unit.