In order to uninstall libSBML from a computer system, please follow the instructions below depending on the kind of operating system involved.

Linux, MacOS X, and Solaris

The libSBML build system comes with a command for uninstalling libSBML suitable for removing the software on UNIX-based systems. To invoke it, go to a terminal shell, move to the libSBML source directory (i.e., where you previously built libSBML), and execute the following command:

  make uninstall

This command will remove everything that was installed by the last make install command.

(Note that there is a potential problem if you have run configure with different options than were configured when you performed the last make install. The libSBML uninstallation command will only know about what was last configured. If you run configure, then make install, then run configure again with different options, and finally try make uninstall, it will only attempt to uninstall the files implied by the most recent run of configure, not the files installed by the original make install.)


As part of the installation process on Windows, the libSBML installer program places an uninstaller program in the top-level folder where libSBML is installed. This uninstaller is named Uninstall_libSBML.bat.

To uninstall libSBML on Windows systems, navigate to the libSBML installation folder (which might be, for example, C:\Program Files\SBML\libSBML-3.1.1-expat) and execute Uninstall_libSBML.bat. It will remove the files installed by the libSBML Windows installer.