@section rules-general General summary of SBML rules

In SBML Level 2, rules are separated into three subclasses for the benefit of model analysis software. The three subclasses are based on the following three different possible functional forms (where @em x is a variable, @em f is some arbitrary function returning a numerical result, V is a vector of variables that does not include @em x, and W is a vector of variables that may include @em x):

Algebraic:left-hand side is zero0 = f(W)
Assignment:left-hand side is a scalar:x = f(V)
Rate:left-hand side is a rate-of-change:dx/dt = f(W)

In their general form given above, there is little to distinguish between @em assignment and @em algebraic rules. They are treated as separate cases for the following reasons:

The approach taken to covering these cases in SBML is to define an abstract Rule structure containing a subelement, "math", to hold the right-hand side expression, then to derive subtypes of Rule that add attributes to distinguish the cases of algebraic, assignment and rate rules. The "math" subelement must contain a MathML expression defining the mathematical formula of the rule. This MathML formula must return a numerical value. The formula can be an arbitrary expression referencing the variables and other entities in an SBML model.

Each of the three subclasses of Rule (AssignmentRule, AlgebraicRule, RateRule) inherit the the "math" subelement and other fields from SBase. The AssignmentRule and RateRule classes add an additional attribute, "variable". See the definitions of AssignmentRule, AlgebraicRule and RateRule for details about the structure and interpretation of each one. @section rule-restrictions Additional restrictions on SBML rules

An important design goal of SBML rule semantics is to ensure that a model's simulation and analysis results will not be dependent on when or how often rules are evaluated. To achieve this, SBML needs to place two restrictions on rule use. The first concerns algebraic loops in the system of assignments in a model, and the second concerns overdetermined systems. @subsection rule-loops A model must not contain algebraic loops

The combined set of InitialAssignment, AssignmentRule and KineticLaw objects in a model constitute a set of assignment statements that should be considered as a whole. (A KineticLaw object is counted as an assignment because it assigns a value to the symbol contained in the "id" attribute of the Reaction object in which it is defined.) This combined set of assignment statements must not contain algebraic loops—dependency chains between these statements must terminate. To put this more formally, consider a directed graph in which nodes are assignment statements and directed arcs exist for each occurrence of an SBML species, compartment or parameter symbol in an assignment statement's "math" subelement. Let the directed arcs point from the statement assigning the symbol to the statements that contain the symbol in their "math" subelement expressions. This graph must be acyclic.

SBML does not specify when or how often rules should be evaluated. Eliminating algebraic loops ensures that assignment statements can be evaluated any number of times without the result of those evaluations changing. As an example, consider the set of equations x = x + 1, y = z + 200 and z = y + 100. If this set of equations were interpreted as a set of assignment statements, it would be invalid because the rule for x refers to x (exhibiting one type of loop), and the rule for y refers to z while the rule for z refers back to y (exhibiting another type of loop). Conversely, the following set of equations would constitute a valid set of assignment statements: x = 10, y = z + 200, and z = x + 100. @subsection rules-overdetermined A model must not be overdetermined

An SBML model must not be overdetermined; that is, a model must not define more equations than there are unknowns in a model. An SBML model that does not contain AlgebraicRule structures cannot be overdetermined.

LibSBML 3.3 implements the static analysis procedure described in Appendix D of the SBML Level 2 Version 4 specification for assessing whether a model is overdetermined.

(In summary, assessing whether a given continuous, deterministic, mathematical model is overdetermined does not require dynamic analysis; it can be done by analyzing the system of equations created from the model. One approach is to construct a bipartite graph in which one set of vertices represents the variables and the other the set of vertices represents the equations. Place edges between vertices such that variables in the system are linked to the equations that determine them. For algebraic equations, there will be edges between the equation and each variable occurring in the equation. For ordinary differential equations (such as those defined by rate rules or implied by the reaction rate definitions), there will be a single edge between the equation and the variable determined by that differential equation. A mathematical model is overdetermined if the maximal matchings of the bipartite graph contain disconnected vertexes representing equations. If one maximal matching has this property, then all the maximal matchings will have this property; i.e., it is only necessary to find one maximal matching.)


SBML Level 1 uses a different scheme than SBML Level 2 for distinguishing rules; specifically, it uses an attribute whose value is drawn from an enumeration. LibSBML supports this using methods that work with the RuleType_t enumeration.

Enumerator Meaning
RULE_TYPE_RATEIndicates the rule is a "rate" rule.
RULE_TYPE_SCALARIndicates the rule is a "scalar" rule.
RULE_TYPE_UNKNOWNIndicates the rule type is unknown or not yet set.