/** @page libsbml-math Mathematical Expressions and their Manipulation This section describes libSBML's facilities for working with SBML representations of mathematical expressions. @section math-overview Basic concepts LibSBML uses Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) to provide a canonical, in-memory representation for all mathematical formulas regardless of their original format (i.e., C-like infix strings or MathML). In libSBML, an AST is a collection of one or more objects of class ASTNode. An AST @em node in libSBML is a recursive structure containing a pointer to the node's value (which might be, for example, a number or a symbol) and a list of children nodes. Each ASTNode node may have none, one, two, or more child depending on its type. The following diagram illustrates an example of how the mathematical expression "1 + 2" is represented as an AST with one @em plus node having two @em integer children nodes for the numbers 1 and 2. The figure also shows the corresponding MathML representation: @image html astnode-illustration.jpg "Example AST representation of a mathematical expression." @image latex astnode-illustration.jpg "Example AST representation of a mathematical expression." The following are noteworthy about the AST representation in libSBML: @li A numerical value represented in MathML as a real number with an exponent is preserved as such in the AST node representation, even if the number could be stored in a @c double data type. This is done so that when an %SBML model is read in and then written out again, the amount of change introduced by libSBML to the SBML during the round-trip activity is minimized. @li Rational numbers are represented in an AST node using separate numerator and denominator values. These can be retrieved using the methods @link ASTNode::getNumerator() getNumerator() @endlink and @link ASTNode::getDenominator() getDenominator() @endlink on an ASTNode object. @li The children of an ASTNode are other ASTNode objects. The list of children is empty for nodes that are leaf elements, such as numbers. For nodes that are actually roots of expression subtrees, the list of children points to the parsed objects that make up the rest of the expression. For many applications, the details of ASTs are irrelevant because the applications can use the text-string based translation functions such as SBML_formulaToString() and SBML_parseFormula(). If you find the complexity of using the AST representation of expressions too high for your purposes, perhaps the string-based functions will be more suitable. Finally, it is worth noting that the AST and MathML handling code in libSBML remains written in C, not C++. (All of libSBML was originally written in C.) Readers may occasionally wonder why some aspects are more C-like and less object oriented, and that's one of the reasons. @section math-convert Converting between ASTs and text strings SBML Level 2 represents mathematical expressions using MathML, but most applications do not use MathML directly. Instead, applications generally either interact with mathematics in text-string form, or else they use the API for working with Abstract Syntax Trees (described below). LibSBML provides support for both approaches. The libSBML formula parser has been carefully engineered so that transformations from MathML to infix string notation and back is possible with a minimum of disruption to the structure of the mathematical expression. The example below shows a simple program that, when run, takes a MathML string compiled into the program, converts it to an AST, converts that to an infix representation of the formula, compares it to the expected form of that formula, and finally translates that formula back to MathML and displays it. The output displayed on the terminal should have the same structure as the MathML it started with. The program is a simple example of using the various MathML and AST reading and writing methods, and shows that libSBML preserves the ordering and structure of the mathematical expressions. @verbatim #include #include int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { const char* expected = "1 + f(x)"; const char* s = "" "" " 1 " " f x " " " ""; ASTNode* ast = readMathMLFromString(s); char* result = SBML_formulaToString(ast); if ( strcmp(result, expected) == 0 ) cout << "Got expected result" << endl; else cout << "Mismatch after readMathMLFromString()" << endl; ASTNode* new_mathml = SBML_parseFormula(result); char* new_s = writeMathMLToString(new_mathml); cout << "Result of writing AST:" << endl << new_s << endl; } @endverbatim The text-string form of mathematical formulas produced by SBML_formulaToString() and read by SBML_parseFormula() are simple C-inspired infix notation taken from SBML Level 1. It is summarized in the next section below. A formula in this text-string form therefore can be handed to a program that understands SBML Level 1 mathematical expressions, or used as part of a translation system. The libSBML distribution comes with an example program in the @c "examples" subdirectory called @c translateMath that implements an interactive command-line demonstration of translating infix formulas into MathML and vice-versa. In summary, the functions available are the following: @li char * @link SBML_formulaToString(const ASTNode_t* tree) SBML_formulaToString(const ASTNode* tree) @endlink reads an AST, converts it to a text string in SBML Level 1 formula syntax, and returns it. The caller owns the character string returned and should free it after it is no longer needed. @li ASTNode * SBML_parseFormula(const char* formula) reads a text-string containing a mathematical expression in SBML Level 1 syntax and returns an AST corresponding to the expression. @section math-diffs The string formula syntax and differences with MathML The text-string formula syntax is an infix notation essentially derived from the syntax of the C programming language and was originally used in SBML Level 1. The formula strings may contain operators, function calls, symbols, and white space characters. The allowable white space characters are tab and space. The following are illustrative examples of formulas expressed in the syntax: @verbatim 0.10 * k4^2 @endverbatim @verbatim (vm * s1)/(km + s1) @endverbatim The following table shows the precedence rules in this syntax. In the Class column, @em operand implies the construct is an operand, @em prefix implies the operation is applied to the following arguments, @em unary implies there is one argument, and @em binary implies there are two arguments. The values in the Precedence column show how the order of different types of operation are determined. For example, the expression a * b + c is evaluated as (a * b) + c because the @c * operator has higher precedence. The Associates column shows how the order of similar precedence operations is determined; for example, a - b + c is evaluated as (a - b) + c because the @c + and @c - operators are left-associative. The precedence and associativity rules are taken from the C programming language, except for the symbol @c ^, which is used in C for a different purpose. (Exponentiation can be invoked using either @c ^ or the function @c power.) @htmlinclude libsbml-math-precedence-table.html A program parsing a formula in an SBML model should assume that names appearing in the formula are the identifiers of Species, Parameter, Compartment, FunctionDefinition, or Reaction objects defined in a model. When a function call is involved, the syntax consists of a function identifier, followed by optional white space, followed by an opening parenthesis, followed by a sequence of zero or more arguments separated by commas (with each comma optionally preceded and/or followed by zero or more white space characters), followed by a closing parenthesis. There is an almost one-to-one mapping between the list of predefined functions available, and those defined in MathML. All of the MathML functions are recognized; this set is larger than the functions defined in SBML Level 1. In the subset of functions that overlap between MathML and SBML Level 1, there exist a few differences. The following table summarizes the differences between the predefined functions in SBML Level 1 and the MathML equivalents in SBML Level 2: @htmlinclude libsbml-math-functions.html @section math-ast Methods for working with libSBML's Abstract Syntax Trees Every ASTNode in a libSBML abstract syntax tree has an associated type, which is a value taken from the enumeration ASTNodeType_t. The list of possible types is quite long, because it covers all the mathematical functions that are permitted in SBML. The values are shown in the following table; their names hopefully evoke the construct that they represent: @htmlinclude libsbml-astnode-types.html There are a number of methods for interrogating the type of an ASTNode and for testing whether a node belongs to a general category of constructs. The methods on ASTNode for this purpose are the following: @li ASTNodeType_t @link ASTNode::getType() getType() @endlink returns the type of this AST node. @li bool @link ASTNode::isConstant() isConstant() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a MathML constant (@c true, @c false, @c pi, @c exponentiale), @c false otherwise. @li bool @link ASTNode::isBoolean() isBoolean() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node returns a boolean value (by being either a logical operator, a relational operator, or the constant @c true or @c false). @li bool @link ASTNode::isFunction() isFunction() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a function (i.e., a MathML defined function such as @c exp or else a function defined by a FunctionDefinition in the Model). @li bool @link ASTNode::isInfinity() isInfinity() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is the special IEEE 754 value infinity. @li bool @link ASTNode::isInteger() isInteger() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is holding an integer value. @li bool @link ASTNode::isNumber() isNumber() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is holding any number. @li bool @link ASTNode::isLambda() isLambda() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a MathML @c lambda construct. @li bool @link ASTNode::isLog10() isLog10() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node represents the @c log10 function, specifically, that its type is AST_FUNCTION_LOG and it has two children, the first of which is an integer equal to 10. @li bool @link ASTNode::isLogical() isLogical() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a logical operator (@c and, @c or, @c not, @c xor). @li bool @link ASTNode::isName() isName() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a user-defined name or (in SBML Level 2) one of the two special @c csymbol constructs "delay" or "time". @li bool @link ASTNode::isNaN() isNaN() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node has the special IEEE 754 value "not a number" (NaN). @li bool @link ASTNode::isNegInfinity() isNegInfinity() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node has the special IEEE 754 value of negative infinity. @li bool @link ASTNode::isOperator() isOperator() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is an operator (e.g., @c +, @c -, etc.) @li bool @link ASTNode::isPiecewise() isPiecewise() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is the MathML @c piecewise function. @li bool @link ASTNode::isRational() isRational() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a rational number having a numerator and a denominator. @li bool @link ASTNode::isReal() isReal() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a real number (specifically, AST_REAL_E or AST_RATIONAL). @li bool @link ASTNode::isRelational() isRelational() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a relational operator. @li bool @link ASTNode::isSqrt() isSqrt() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is the square-root operator @li bool @link ASTNode::isUMinus() isUMinus() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node is a unary minus. @li bool @link ASTNode::isUnknown() isUnknown() @endlink returns @c true if this AST node's type is unknown. Programs manipulating AST node structures should check the type of a given node before calling methods that return a value from the node. The following are the ASTNode object methods available for returning values from nodes: @li long @link ASTNode::getInteger() getInteger() @endlink @li char @link ASTNode::getCharacter() getCharacter() @endlink @li const char* @link ASTNode::getName() getName() @endlink @li long @link ASTNode::getNumerator() getNumerator() @endlink @li long @link ASTNode::getDenominator() getDenominator() @endlink @li double @link ASTNode::getReal() getReal() @endlink @li double @link ASTNode::getMantissa() getMantissa() @endlink @li long @link ASTNode::getExponent() getExponent() @endlink Of course, all of this would be of little use if libSBML didn't also provide methods for @em setting the values of AST node objects! And it does. The methods are the following: @li void @link ASTNode::setCharacter(char value) setCharacter(char value) @endlink sets the value of this ASTNode to the given character value. If character is one of @c +, @c -, @c *, @c / or @c ^, the node type will be to the appropriate operator type. For all other characters, the node type will be set to AST_UNKNOWN. @li void @link ASTNode::setName(const char *name) setName(const char *name) @endlink sets the value of this AST node to the given name. The node type will be set (to AST_NAME) only if the AST node was previously an operator (isOperator(node) != 0) or number (isNumber(node) != 0). This allows names to be set for AST_FUNCTIONs and the like. @li void @link ASTNode::setValue(int value) setValue(int value) @endlink sets the value of the node to the given integer value. Equivalent to the next method. @li void @link ASTNode::setValue(long value) setValue(long value) @endlink sets the value of the node to the given integer value. Equivalent to the previous method. No, this is not a Gödelian self-referential loop. @li void @link ASTNode::setValue(long numerator, long denominator) setValue(long numerator, long denominator) @endlink sets the value of this ASTNode to the given rational value in two parts: the numerator and denominator. The node type is set to AST_RATIONAL. @li void @link ASTNode::setValue(double value) setValue(double value) @endlink sets the value of this ASTNode to the given real (double) value and sets the node type to AST_REAL. @li void @link ASTNode::setValue(double mantissa, long exponent) setValue(double mantissa, long exponent) @endlink sets the value of this ASTNode to a real (double) using the two parts given: the mantissa and the exponent. The node type is set to AST_REAL_E. Finally, ASTNode also defines some miscellaneous methods for manipulating ASTs: @li ASTNode* @link ASTNode::ASTNode(ASTNodeType_t type) ASTNode(ASTNodeType_t type) @endlink creates a new ASTNode object and returns a pointer to it. The returned node will have the given type, or a type of AST_UNKNOWN if no argument type is explicitly given. @li unsigned int @link ASTNode::getNumChildren() getNumChildren() @endlink returns the number of children of this AST node or 0 is this node has no children. @li void @link ASTNode::addChild(ASTNode* child) addChild(ASTNode* child) @endlink adds the given node as a child of this AST node. Child nodes are added in left-to-right order. @li void @link ASTNode::prependChild(ASTNode* child) prependChild(ASTNode* child) @endlink adds the given node as a child of this AST node. This method adds child nodes in right-to-left order. @li ASTNode* @link ASTNode::getChild (unsigned int n) getChild (unsigned int n) @endlink returns the nth child of this AST node or NULL if this node has no nth child [i.e., if n > (node->getNumChildren() - 1), where node is a pointer to a node]. @li ASTNode* @link ASTNode::getLeftChild() getLeftChild() @endlink returns the left child of this AST node. This is equivalent to getChild(0); @li ASTNode* @link ASTNode::getRightChild() getRightChild() @endlink returns the right child of this AST node or NULL if this node has no right child. @li void @link ASTNode::swapChildren(ASTNode *that) swapChildren(ASTNode *that) @endlink swaps the children of this ASTNode with the children of @c that ASTNode. @li void @link ASTNode::setType(ASTNodeType_t type) setType(ASTNodeType_t type) @endlink sets the type of this ASTNode to the given ASTNodeType_t enumeration value. @section math-reading Reading and Writing Mathematical Expressions into ASTs As mentioned above, applications often can avoid working with raw MathML by using either libSBML's text-string interface or the AST API. However, when needed, reading MathML content directly and creating ASTs is easily done in libSBML using a method designed for this purpose: @li ASTNode* readMathMLFromString(const char* xml) reads raw MathML from a text string, constructs an AST from it, then returns the root ASTNode of the resulting expression tree. Similarly, writing out Abstract Syntax Tree structures is easily done using the following method: @li char* writeMathMLToString(const ASTNode* node) writes an AST to a string. The caller owns the character string returned and should free it after it is no longer needed.

The example program given above demonstrate the use of these methods. */