The continued improvement of libSBML is crucially dependent on your feedback. Below are some means of discussing and sharing your experiences.

Reporting bugs and other problems

We invite you to report bugs and other problems using the issue tracker for libSBML on SourceForge. The following URL will take you there directly:

You can also report problems on the sbml-interoperability mailing list (see next section). This may even have advantages, such as that other people may also have experienced the issue and offer a workaround more quickly than the libSBML developers can respond.

Finally, if you want to contact the libSBML developers, you can email them at

Mailing lists

If you use SBML (which seems likely, if you are using libSBML), we urge you to sign up for sbml-announce, the SBML announcements mailing list. It is a low-volume, broadcast-only list where new releases of SBML and other important events are announced. These announcements are not cross-posted to the other lists below, so it's important to subscribe to sbml-announce even if you subscribe to the other lists below.

If you use libSBML, we highly recommend that you subscribe or monitor the sbml-interoperability mailing list. Subscribing to this list will enable you to keep in touch with the latest developments in libSBML as well as to ask questions and share your experiences with fellow users and developers of libSBML and other SBML software. The mailing list is vigilantly moderated by humans to prevent spam and off-topic postings.

If you are interested in delving more deeply into libSBML, perhaps to make extensions and modifications, we recommend that you also subscribe or monitor the libsbml-development mailing list. Being a member of this list will enable you to keep in touch with the latest developments in libSBML as well as to ask questions and share your experiences with fellow developers and users of libSBML.

RSS notification as well as a web-based interface for both lists is available at, for those who prefer to interact with the list via a web interface.

The sbml-interoperability and libsbml-development archives are also available at

The SVN notification mailing list

If you are obtaining your libSBML files directly from the SVN repository on SourceForge, you may wish to subscribe to the mailing list sbml-svn, to be apprised of changes to the SVN repository as soon as they are committed. You can join the list by visiting the URL