Compiling SBML 3.4.1 on Windows with VS2008 assuming we will use libxml2 1. cd win32/MSVC9 2. .\createInclude.bat 3. Open win32\libsbml_xml.vcproj in VS2008 4. Chnage build configuration from Debug to Release (Project->Properties->Release (pull-down menu)) 5. Add include search path for 3rd party dependencies a) Rigth-click on libsbml subproject in solution explorer , go to Properties... . In expand Configuration Properties node, go to C/C++ node and add dependencies_win\include in the Additional Include Directories 6. Add library search directory a) Rigth-click on libsbml subproject in solution explorer , go to Properties... . In expand Configuration Properties node, go to Linker node and add dependencies_win\lib in the Additional library Directories 7. Build libsbml 8. Libraries (libsbml.dll amnd libsbml.lib) are in win32/bin