----------------------------------------------------------- CompuCell 3D version 3.4.2 for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) ----------------------------------------------------------- ******************* *** Please note *** This is an obsolete version of the binary distribution of CompuCell 3D for Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard). It is provided for completeness as counterpart to the CompuCell 3D version 3.4.2 for Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard), which is the last pre-compiled binary distribution of CompuCell 3D for that operating system release. For up-to-date CompuCell 3D distributions for Mac OS X 10.6.x (AKA Snow Leopard) and newer, please check http://compucell3d.org/ ******************* This is a binary distribution of CompuCell 3D compiled for both i386 (32 bit) and x86_64 (64 bit) systems running Mac OS X 10.6.x (AKA Snow Leopard). Download the file: CC3D_3.4.2_MacOSX106_xxxx.zip (where xxxx are four digits indicating incremental updates) (if the "CC3D_3.4.2_MacOSX105" directory is not automatically created from the .zip file you just downloaded, just double-click the downloaded "CC3D_3.4.2_MacOSX105_xxxx.zip" file to obtain the directory) An installer is not required for this version: just place the "CC3D_3.4.2_MacOSX106" directory anywhere you want. A good place is your computer's /Applications/ directory. Or, for example if you don't have administrative-level permissions on your system (such as on a public lab machine), you can simply create a directory called "Applications" in your user/home directory, and place the "CC3D_3.4.2_MacOSX106" directory inside that "Applications" directory. To start the CompuCell 3D player application from the Finder, double-click the compucell3d.command file. The very first time you run it, you may get a system warning "this application has been downloaded from the internet". To run CompuCell 3D from the Terminal, cd to the "CC3D_3.4.2_MacOSX106" directory and type: ./compucell3d.command CompuCell 3D is self-contained: all the required dependencies and third-party libraries are included, such as Qt, PyQt, VTK, etc. CompuCell 3D relies on the Python 2.6 distribution included by default on Mac OS X 10.6 systems.